The Best Series & TV Shows on Amazon Prime Right Now (April 2019)

[Last Updated: April 25, 2019]

Here’s the thing about the Golden Age of television. How do you have time to do anything else? There are so many downright excellent series out there, and even more that are just great, you could stream, stream, stream all day long and still have more good television to burn through. With that in mind, I hope you weren’t planning on doing anything productive with the rest of your day, because we’ve put together a list of the best TV on Amazon prime, and it’s a doozy. Amazon has a fantastic television line-up including all, yes all, of HBO’s back catalogue. Get ready for some serious binge-watching.

For more streaming recommendations, check out the Best TV Shows on Netflix Right Now and Best Movies on Amazon Prime Right Now and Best Horror Movies on Netflix Right Now and Best Sci-Fi Movies on Netflix Right Now.