Scarlett Wilson dances energetically in topical but drab song

Little known filmmakers Santosh Kashyap and Dhiraj Verma’s Hansa: Ek Sanyog tells the story of a transgender person.

The makers released the music of the film yesterday. For a socially relevant film, one would have expected the music composer to create a more thematic track, but, surprisingly, they launched the music with a dance number featuring British import Scarlett Wilson.

Titled ‘Selfie Kudi’, the song has been written by Dheeraj Kumar. Front cameras in mobile phones have made it possible to click one’s own pictures. Such pictures are called selfies and the word has even found place in the Oxford English Dictionary.

The obsession with selfies has given birth to self-proclaimed selfie queens and kings. Dheeraj Kumar taps into this popular culture lingo and takes words like ‘followers’, ‘likes’, ‘shares’, ‘comments’, ‘poke’ and ‘tags’ to use in his lyrics.

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However, he fails to make them appealing even though the song is topical in nature and draws our attention to social media and how it promotes narcissism.

Prekhar Verma has given the song a lively, peppy score and despite its average lyrics singer Ritu Pathak chips in with a confident performance.

Scarlett Wilson brings her A-game to the video, pulling off some seductive dance moves energetically, making ‘Selfie Kudi’ visually appealling.

Watch the ‘Selfie Kudi’ song below:

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